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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My favorite people to walk this earth

Out of the famous people, these are my top 5 favorites to walk the earth!...

1. Arnel Pineda
2. Hayley Williams

3. Lyoto Machida

4. Kurt Cobain

Now the non famous people, here are my 5 favorites :)
1. Mommy :) no pic sorry
2. Daddy :) no pic again :(
3. Bradley Olinger
4. Grace Butler
5. Jakke Olinger


I'm IN LOVE with Arnel Pineda!!

My FAVORITES band EVER! Journey! :)
I only like Arnel Pineda though, I don't like Steve Perry...except theres a few songs I don't mind being the original version (Steve Perry's voice) Journey w/ Arnel Pineda is the 2008 version Journey!! This is what Arnel Pineda looks like!

I can't wait for Journey to start touring again, my Dad PROMISED that if they come near us, we can go to a concert!!!!!!!!! :) SO EXCITED! <3
I love his voice he's my #1 favorite male singer :) and he always looks so focused!
I think that's enough pictures...... :P Anyways, I think he's the greatest person to walk the earth :)

I feel Music is a gift from God :)

Music is more than just something to listen to when you're bored. Well, at least to me it is. To me it is like art, life, love..I play guitar and that helps me realize how beautiful Music really is. I wish I could play drums too but I can't get the rythym straight. And I'm not saying that just because you don't play an instrument you don't know what Music really is. I'm just saying that to me, Music is not a hobby, it's a passion. A passion I must keep with, a passion that is indeniable. Once you get me started I must continue. Music is my life, my soul, my heart..Music is ME. I express myself through music whether I sing, or I play to it. Musica Es La Vida.
That means Music is life in Spanish. I don't know what I would do without Music...
I just realized that is a baloon...Hmm, I guess I didn't look at it very well.. Oh well.